Economic and social situation of the population

What's new?

In focus

Income, consumption and wealth

News, highlights and overview of the household budget and related topics

Material and social deprivation

New indicator that allows to measure the proportion of people who have to forego important goods, services and social activities for financial reasons

Gender equality

Overview of the current state and recent developments in gender equality in Switzerland

Equality of people with disabilities

The quality of life of persons with disabilities compared with that of persons without disabilities

At a glance

Further information





Press releases

Statistical sources and concepts

On this topic

Income, consumption and wealth

News, highlights and overview of the household budget and related topics

Social situation, well-being and poverty

Standard of living, income inequality, poverty, material and social deprivation and subjective well-being in Switzerland and Europe

Gender equality

Overview of the current state and recent developments in gender equality in Switzerland

Equality of people with disabilities

The quality of life of persons with disabilities compared with that of persons without disabilities


Federal Statistical Office Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



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