Regional portraits and key figures

Portraits of the cantons

Portraits of the cantons

Find out more about a canton of your choice! Here you will find statistical portraits of Switzerland's cantons. You can also compare the key figures of two cantons by using an online comparator.

City Portraits

City portraits

Up-to-date statistical portraits of Switzerland's largest towns are presented in clear statistical data sets. You can also compare the statistical key figures of two towns.


Portraits of the communes

Up-to-date statistical portraits are available for all of Switzerland's communes. Find your commune by conducting a search in the database. Compare the statistical key figures with those of another commune.

Country portraits

Country portraits

Would you like to compare Switzerland with other European countries? The Federal Statistical Office, in collaboration with the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), makes new country portraits available each year with roughly 50 up-to-date key figures.


Federal Statistical Office Service ThemaKart
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel



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